Azerbaijan Democratic Republic that declared its independence on 28 May 1918 was the first parliamentary republic on the Muslim East. Though it entered to the USSR on 28 April 1920 in the status of union republic, the Republic of Azerbaijan which was a colony indeed, restored its independence in 1991.
After collapse of the USSR, as a result of territorial claims of Armenia against Azerbaijan and the large-scale military operations it launched, more than 17 thousand square kilometers (20 percent) of Azerbaijan land were occupied. Second assumption of Great National Leader Heydar Aliyev's power in 1993 caused radical changes in political situation over the region, not only Azerbaijan, but all people pulled through the threat of the destruction. At that time Great Leader risked his life and faced out a death to prevent brother massacre, civil war in Azerbaijan and succeeded it. Those years Great National Leader saved Azerbaijan not only from collapse, coup, arbitrariness, and presented our people a new, safe life getting increasingly more beautiful every other year.
Today, every success of Azerbaijan both in internal and foreign policy under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, is an embodiment of the mind of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, display of the national progress ideas representing his inheritance. Starting of Ilham Aliyev to presidency since 2003 became a new stage in the progress and development of Azerbaijan. It is the very times when democratization processes got extended, process of transformation of our country into the world integration process took more intensive course, sound social and political basis for further development of national economy. Thanks to confident steps taken by well-deserved course leaver of Heydar Aliyev’s school of politics, Ilham Aliyev in big-time politics, significant innovations occurred not only in the socio-economic system but political and social institutions of Azerbaijan as well, efficient intensive reforms were implemented.
Though entire territory of the Nakhchivan AR is indicated as one of intra-country economic regions in the economic-geographic district territory division of Azerbaijan Republic, it features by its diversified structure. After Vasif Talibov, the chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan AR had come to power in autonomous republic, new production areas were established in the autonomous republic for the recent years, rich natural resources have been explored, taken to exploitation and industry was equipped with modern technique and technology.