Calcium is the most abundant mineral in human body, its 99% is deposited in the bones and teeth, the remaining 1% in blood and cell.
It is a useful mineral for muscles, nervous system and bones. Calcium is especially useful for pregnant women and children. Calcium deficiency can lead to diseases such as osteomalacia, osteoporosis and rachitis. In particular, the composition of milk and dairy products is rich in calcium. After this summary article, it has been responded to questions as headings such as how to provide the calcium need and in which products it included:
Calcium mineral and its characteristics
Calcium belongs to the group of alkali metals. Its symbol is “Ca”. “Ca” symbol derived from Latin “calx” which means lime. It is the most abundant element in the human body. Calcium is accepted in the composition of nutritional products, but it can’t be absorbed completely, some subsidiary substances such as vitamin C and vitamin D, fats and phosphorus is needed for complete absorption of calcium by organism.
It is useful for health of the bones and teeth. It constitutes the basis of bones and teeth.
It has a positive effect for blood coagulation. At the same time, it helps to keep blood pressure at normal level. It provides the strengthening of muscles. In particular, it has vital importance for systemic functioning of the heart muscles. It has a positive effect on normal functioning of the nervous system.
Calcium deficiency and exceeding the norm
Calcium deficiency causes bone and dental diseases. This situation shows itself in the form of developmental delay of bone, softening and sensitiveness. At this time, the pain increases in the body, the muscles are weakened. Developmental delay of bones and mineral deficiency is called rachitis in children, osteomalacia in women. In older people, calcium deficiency causes to bone fractures, bones are soft, this disease is called osteoporosis. It is impossible to prevent from natural aging process and its effects, but the bones can be strengthened by taking the necessary amount of vitamin D and calcium.
Excessive calcium may cause high pressure, hardening of the vessels, stagnation in organism, abnormal bone growth and stone formation in the kidneys.
Daily calcium demand
Daily calcium demand of normal person in a mature age is in the limit of 800-1000 mg. A person who is drinking two cups of milk will provide half the daily demand. In people with developmental stage, pregnant women, and those who can’t get enough sun energy, calcium demand of the body increases. Pregnant women are recommended to take 1300 mg calcium per day.
Schedule of calcium demand
Infants: 0-12 months : 400-600 mg
Children: 1-9 age : 800 mg
Youth: 10-18 age 1300 mg. after the age of 19 : 100 mg
Teens: 19-50 age : 1000mg
Adults: 51 – 65 age and more : 1200 mg
Pregnant women : 1300 mg
Which are calcium-rich foods?
Calcium is mostly in milk and dairy products. Calcium is better absorbed by the organism in these products. Moreover, organism can accept calcium to a considerable extent from products such as dry beans, sesame seeds, nuts, egg yolks and grape fruitade. Though there is calcium in the composition of green leafy greens and grain products, level of calcium absorption by organism is very low in those products. The oxalate and phytic acid contained in these products reduce the absorption level of calcium. Feeding with protein foods also reduces the absorption level of calcium by organism.